The Young Farmers Ambassadors or YFA is a group of current and ex-young farmers who have travelled to another country through the International Young Farmers Exchange Programme (IFYE) or have been at the European Rally. Anyone who has been on one of these trips is a potential member and can join through the country they originally travelled from. Once signed up, the possibilities of further travel and banter is endless, meeting new friends and catching up with old ones.
Each year there are two main get-togethers, the UK reunion (known as the YFA Reunion) and the European reunion (known as the IFYE Conference) each of which rotate around a different country every year.
The first UK reunion was held in London from the 25th - 26th of October 1955 and has been on-going ever since then. All ages attend and so much fun is had by all, whether it be the organised team building activities, trips out to places of interest or dancing the night away into the very early hours ... there is something for everyone!
If you fancy a weekend away with a bunch of like-minded people or if you miss the good old days of Young Farmers then come along! Come along and have a laugh; learn a little about yourself and get to know others, I dare you...
UK YFA Reunions

Scotland 2023

Scotland 2023